Masters students presented the project 'IAA 2015', a proposal for a show car for the 2015 Frankfurt Motor Show. In developing a show car, manufacturers are able to present their future product vision and explore specific new development directions, without being overly concerned with current technical and marketing constraints.
This presents an opportunity for the students to propose concepts that have very clearly defined, overtly expressed character. 1st semester Masters students presented exterior proposals, while 2nd semester students presented both exterior and interior, all as digital model animations.
7th and 5th Semester students presented 'My First Renault', with the brief to develop a vehicle that they could envisage as their own first Renault, so acting as both developer and as potential customer. This type of project is of interest to the sponsor Renault in that it is rare to have direct feedback from customer groups that can express their design with a high level of expertise. 7th semester students presented interior proposals, while 5th semester students presented exteriors.
4th semester students presented 'Concept for future mobility - 1+1'. The project was developed in cooperation with Weber Motor AG. The aim was to develop a small personal vehicle using an innovative two-cylinder engine. The vehicle should be ecological, yet sporty and dynamic.
The school recieves support from the car industry through sponsored projects and regular visits from designers who tutor students in the various aspects of transportation design. BMW, Audi and VW regularly offer internships while Porsche and Mercedes are just around the corner.
The school has a Master of Transportation Design program (MTD) which is a three semester course. A diploma or degree in Industrial design is required for acceptance on this course. Students gaining entry will have a certain level of freedom in planning the course structure.
Related stories:
Pforzheim Spring Degree Show 2005
Pforzheim Summer Degree Show 2004
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