June 28, 2002 - From July 1 to September 1 2002, at the Automobile Museum of Turin, there will be an exhibition of automotive design, dedicated to the main Turin Style Centres, showing prototypes and studies of automobiles from yesterday, today and tomorrow.
Inside the sector 'Tomorrow', there will be a presentation of work by the students in the final year of the course of Transportation Design of IAAD-Turin, in a project sponsored by the Fiat Research Centre. The subject of the project was a study of a transportation vehicle for mobility of the future, reinterpreting the current concept of metropolitan mobility, creating new shapes, new transportation vehicles and their methods of utilization.
The project 'Mobility of the Future' is born from important considerations relating to urban mobility based on the role and needs of the final user, and of personalization. In the hypothetical future created in this project, the user wears, uses, chooses and optimizes all the movements throughout his day.
The projects deal with several scenarios: the vehicle modification, the interface, the relation between the manufacturer, the end user and mobility.
The vehicles are subdivided by typologies of utilization: dealing with semi-private vehicles, those to be shared, and those that are used only for public transport. The semiprivate vehicles are conceived according to the logic of renting, but with a great possibility of personalization in the interior, so as to make the end user perceive them at the same level of the private vehicles; those to be shared, allow lower costs, great security and if desired, sharing of knowledge; while those used as public transportation foresee an improvement of the travel conditions through higher interior comfort.
There will also be an exhibit of the exam thesis of the students of Interior Design and Graphic Design. The exhibition opens Monday July 1 at 6:30pm (Press 3pm) at the Automobile Museum of Turin, Corso Unità d’Italia, 40
For more information contact IAAD-Torino:
Tel/Fax: +39 (011) 5488868
E-mail: info@iaad.it