Can you help with the efforts to rapidly design, produce or distribute ventilators?

In the past weeks, many companies have been asking what they can do to assist with the rapid production of ventilators to assist with the effects of the coronavirus pandemic. Design consultancies, large carmakers, small engineering firms, and everyone in-between are keen to offer their assistance at this critical time. 

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Help is needed with design/specification, rapid protyping, contract/product assembly, certification/regulation/testing, logistics and medical training. 

If you think your business can help, please register your business on the Gov.Uk database (online). Centralising the organisation of these efforts prevents duplication of work, and will assist with getting much needed equipment to where it is needed as quickly as possible.

Kieran Singleton of Forge Design is working on this, as is McLaren Racing, Dyson, Ford in the US, and many more. 

And if Car Design News can help, drop us a line and if we can help with publicising work or disseminating information, we will.