All CDN Events articles – Page 7

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    Interior Motives China Conference 2007


    There are 1.3 billion people in China, with 38 million cars between them. 7 million new cars were sold last year, nearly 9 million are expected to sell this year - a growth rate of over 25%. Of the 140 different Chinese car companies, the top ten are responsible for ...

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    Interior Motives Design Conference 2006


    Click for larger imagesRobin Page, Dave Muyres, David Godber, Matteo ContiHan Hendriks, VP Industrial Design, Johnson Controls. Delegates on board 'La Nautica'Day Two panel: Andreas Wlasak, Martin Smith, Geoff Wardle, Dave MuyresConference room at the Docklands MuseumPhotos: Ultimamedia, Albrecht/MarschnerA warm and sunny London was the venue for the second Design ...

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    2006 Interior Motives Design Awards


    Now into its fourth year, the annual design awards ceremony hosted by Interior Motives magazine was held on the second press day of the 2006 Paris Motor Show. Open to any registered school, the competition encourages students to submit their work in any of nine different categories, with the emphasis ...

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    Interior Motives Design Awards 2009


    Best Eco Design (Retroconcept)'London Garden' - David Seesing, Miika Heikkinen, Mårten Wallgren (RCA)One of the more unusual entries to the competition, Seesing, Heikkinen and Wallgren's London Garden project presented an ingenious and elegantly resolved semi-electric bicycle as part of an integrated urban transportation solution.

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    Interior Motives Design Awards 2009


    Tonight, amidst the turmoil of a recession-struck auto industry, innovation and optimism shone through the work of a talented young group of international student designers at the seventh annual Interior Motives Design Awards. And none more so than that of the overall winner and newly crowned Interior Motives Student Designer of the Year 2009: Philip Woodman from Coventry University.

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    Interior Motives Design Awards 2012


    Best Innovative Interior (Peugeot)'Cross Evolution ' - Thomas Duhamel, Michael Denechere & Perrine Desmons (International School of Design, France)Packaging all of the high-tech components of the car into a single ‘technological block' that can be replaced/updated every three years was one of the ‘Cross Evolution' concept's clever touches, but it ...

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    Interior Motives Design Awards 2012


    At a glamorous awards ceremony at the Espace Clacquesin in Paris earlier this evening, the world's top designers and automotive journalists gathered together to watch sponsors Peugeot and Volkswagen reveal the 2012 Interior Motives Student Design of the Year: ‘Autopool' by Siavash Jafari Jozani and Mina Kasirifar from the University ...

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    Car Design of the Year Awards 2007


    Awards for CDN's Car Design of the Year 2007 were presented to the winning design teams during last week's Geneva Motor Show.

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    2012 Interior Motives School League Report


    Winning index

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    2012 Interior Motives School League Report


    In addition to showcasing the talent of student designers, the 2012 Interior Motives Design Awards acknowledged for the first time the achievements of the schools that nurtured them with its inaugural ‘Most Successful School' award. After a close-run battle with Italy's Istituto Europeo di Design (IED) that was eventually decided ...